John and I rang in the new year by seeing 'Flogging Molly' at the Wiltern Theater in Los Angeles. Standing room only. Would have been fine, but I put in nearly a full day of work, so I got a tad tired towards the end of the concert being on my feet for that length of time. Needless to say, we had a great time. Flogging Molly was great, but I think I still like the Pogues better overall.
John and I made our first dive of the year in Malibu. It was a great little dive spot with lots of kelp and small rock out croppings. Sad to say, we haven't dove since due to weather and other obligations.
On the crafty side of things, I managed to finish spinning a pound of Alpaca/ Merino Blend, as well as some Blue Faced Leicaster, that 'if' I counted correctly, I was able to spin 1600 yards!!! It litterally took me three days to wind onto my kniddy knoddy by hand. Here are pics of the results:
Sad to say, I don't have anything currently on my spinning wheels. That won't last long, for I have plenty of fiber to keep me busy for a long time!
Other crafty adventure include Road To California Quilt Show that was just held this last week at the Ontario Convention Center. I took three classes: Strip Therapy, Endangered Species Quilt Project lecture by Rob Appell, and a Fearless Machine Applique class. I am currently working on a turtle wall hanging that is machine appliqued/ topstitched.
I am in the process of completing my blocks from my Strip Therapy class and will post them when they are completed. We had some 'issues' during the class in which I will share later.
For now, I think I am caught up.
I forgot to add that I bought myself the 'Addi Clicks' that I absolutely LOVE! I got them for a great price through for $119 that included tax and shipping!!! That's a savings of $40+ so made it for a very sweet deal!
Hi, this post sent me off to youtube to look up Flogging Molly! love the old sewing machine, always regret getting rid of mine when I was too young to apprecaite it :-)